Fixing Coverage Stats

Every now and then you'll find automated code coverage tooling getting in the way of you landing changes when you're pretty certain you've written tests for the code in question.

Let's take some time to dig into how code coverage works and then use that new knowledge to find ways to unblock ourselves.

How Code Coverage Works

The first thing we need to understand when approaching any problem is how the tools we rely on work. In this case, we're relying on line coverage information to determine whether a pull request has a suitable degree of test coverage.

The challenge we're going to face here is that while the tooling may well represent coverage in terms of lines covered, most code coverage tools work on the compiled code itself (and this usually doesn't care for line numbers).

Let's take two examples to illustrate the point. We'll start with an example which uses binary operators to determine whether a person should go outside:

public bool ShouldGoOutside(Time timeOfDay, Weather weather, Calendar schedule)
    return timeOfDay.IsDaylight()
        && weather.IsSunny()
        && !schedule.HasEvent();

If we write a test suite which validates that this method works correctly for for possible values of timeOfDay and weather but misses schudule we'll quickly find that the line coverage for the first example will be either 0% or 100% (depending on whether the tooling you're using counts partial line coverage as covered or not).

The reason for this is that the compiler is transforming your code into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and it is this AST which is then annotated with coverage information by tracking when each node is visited during test execution. In most cases, for performance reasons, the code coverage tooling will optimize this and instead only track statement and branch coverage (allowing it to keep track of far fewer nodes in the AST and therefore reducing the performance impact of running your tests with coverage enabled).

For the code above, the AST would look something like this:

From this AST, we can see that one of our AND (&&) operators is only being partially covered (because one half of the expression is always true or always false). This partial coverage of the statement is then reported as partial coverage for the lines that the statement appears on (in this case, Lines 3, 4, and 5).

When we then attempt to calculate how much of our code is covered by tests (taking into account only code which is executable - not things like comments, control sequences, etc.) we find that the most effective way to do that is to calculate the percentage of statements which have been covered. In this case, we have only one statement and it is partially covered, so we can either report it as 0% coverage or 100% coverage (even though we've covered 2/3rds of the branches in the statement fully).

If we instead write the same code in a much more verbose manner, we can leverage the statement-level coverage tracking provided by our code coverage tooling to better visualize what has beeen covered and what hasn't (highlighted lines have full coverage):

public bool ShouldGoOutside(Time timeOfDay, Weather weather, Calendar schedule)
    if (!timeOfDay.IsDaylight())
        return false;

    if (!weather.IsSunny())
        return false;

    if (schedule.HasEvent())
        return false;

    return true;






When the compiler generates the corresponding AST (with coverage annotations) for this code, we find something like the following:

In this case, calculating statement coverage gives us a much more granular view of what has been covered and what hasn't. In this case, we cover 6/7 statements (85% coverage) and 2/3 branches fully (67% branch coverage).

What That Means for Us

In the example above, we know that part of the problem is a lack of test coverage for a critical portion of the ShouldGoOutside method (namely its Calendar integration). The right move here is almost certainly to add coverage for the missing branch, however there are scenarios where this becomes cost prohibitive and is not necessarily the right move.

Let's consider C#'s null-propagation operator (?.) as an example. If we have a method which uses this operator to gracefully handle null values then we're very likely to find our code coverage tooling reporting this as a branch (which it expects to be covered by tests). While this may indeed be technically correct, it also runs the risk of massively increasing the number of test variations which need to be created to exercise all possible code paths.

Instead, you may find that a better approach is to refactor your code to decompose compound expressions (such as the one in the first example) into multiple statements which will have their code coverage tracked independently. While this will not increase the test coverage of your code, it will make understanding what covered much easier.

A picture of Benjamin Pannell

Benjamin Pannell

Site Reliability Engineer, Microsoft

Dublin, Ireland